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Billing Management


Billing Management is a flexible, activity-based warehouse billing software solution that automates labor-intensive processes typically associated with billing management. The system records activities such as receiving, putaway, replenishment, pick/pack, weighing, storage, loading, cycle and physical counting in real time, and then develops invoices using rules and charges that are customized for each client. So no matter where an order is filled, billing is centralized, customized and accurate.

Billing Management also provides dynamic cost analysis that captures activities and their associated costs, and then determines which processes, products, customers and suppliers contribute most to the bottom line. This cost-analysis feature lets you evaluate and compare the actual costs—and opportunity costs—of service by client, partner or line of business.

Billing Management receives input from standard data feeds via Manhattan Associates’ industry-leading Distribution Management solutions, as well as other third-party warehouse management systems. Key features of our warehouse billing software include:

Client, activity and rule configuration

Transactional and storage billing engines that can be automated or manually initiated

Audit capabilities—pre-invoice review, charge adjustments and grant discounts

Invoice generation and printing